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Why people spent their whole lives earning more and more?


Have you ever wondered what is the reason for chasing behind the money for your whole life when life is so unpredictable that you can't predict the next coming second of your life? 

If life is so unpredictable that you cannot even think about what is gonna happen to you in the next one second so what is the reason behind it running behind something which losses its whole value over time. You can't use the money after death in any way so what is the point left in chasing behind this why people spent their whole lives earning more and more.

Money is not a power that can help you in anything until you spent it and it gets ends when it is spent. So according to this, it needs to end itself to felicitate you. You can buy whatever you want and get whatever you want. But money has its own limitations too you can't buy several things by it but most of the lives problems can get solved by it.

It is a very best source of motivation for people because peoples get obsessed with it very easily and when they get biased with it they can get manipulated very easily. Some peoples use it for their own profit and gain. They try to approach those kinds of needy people who are very new and don't know very much about these things, especially the newcomers and people of less age.

Money is the best motivation people do what you say only for the sake of it and the world bow to it. The more money you have the more people know you and the more easily you get your jobs done. It is truly justified to have an aim to earn more and more some peoples engage with greed but there is almost everything in which we found greed involved so it is completely justified to have a desire of earning big money.   

It is not something that adds something very different to your personality. A very large number of people believe that it does add something to your personality but it doesn't. For example, you have all the money you want and you think it adds something very special to your personality so try this

"Take a very old dress and tear it from some places and then fill its pockets with money and go to a restaurant and order the most expensive thing from the menu. The waiter will surely gonna give you a strange look that you can easily feel. In some cases don't believe you until you show him the money that you have. So by that, you can easily see that it is not money that adds weight to your personality, It is your appearance that adds it to you.


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