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The power of keeping quiet


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The power of being quiet is a very different ability to have it has some of the rarest and best advantages entailed by it. By not letting what is going in your mind you can surprise those who doubt you and suspects you of being incompetent.

The power of silence can also be understood by those people who remain silent when they are getting roasted or getting fun made out of themselves among friends. Those who have the most doubters keep the public's interest in them by not letting anyone know about what they are doing.

Silence has a lot of benefits too. you can know the benefit of keeping yourself quiet by keeping yourself quiet. also by remaining silent, you can do your work in peace without any distractions. You can make whatever you want and think about whatever you want to think.

By not talking without purpose you can gain knowledge about a lot of things about a person if you are in a group, By just listening to the people you can gather up those things that no one can get easily.

Being quiet and not telling anything you are doing to the people also benefits you in a way you will be surprised to know, If you don't tell anybody about what you are doing and what is your dream and keep working on it making progress every day, Even if you get rejected or didn't succeed in it you will get no people to criticize you because no one knows about that. 

People also sometimes like those people who keep a mystery or do not let anyone know about them completely the curiosity of the human mind keeps their interest in you. It will keep their attention on you all the time.

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